Our work revolves around the fusion of modeling and testing. There are many ways to describe the process but we find one thing paramount, the need to verify and validate whatever our work might be. In the field of engineering there is one thing for certain, it has to work. In our lab we work very carefully to develop models that are good enough to capture the sophisticated dynamics encountered in real-world applications (“good enough” being the operative words), but in order to trust the benefits offered by modeling (outcomes such as simulations and analysis) we need to verify and validate by testing. Sadly testing itself cannot always be trusted. How well we represent a tests that needs to mimic a real-world application can have many challenges (representing proper boundary conditions and input excitation) and thus we find ourselves in what is really needed, a holistic FUSION approach to modeling and testing.
Vision: We adopt a vision definition from Simon Sinek (just cause):
Mission: To sustain a research and education program in the broad area of structural dynamics with focus on vibrations, acoustics, and smart material applications leveraged by instrumentation, sensing and testing. We do so by balancing the areas of modeling, simulation, and testing to create validated work. We form high quality people & work within a holistic, sustainable, collaborative, and collegiate environment. We work to be known as a destination for high quality research, education and workforce development with focus in areas of structural dynamics among the academic, industrial, and governmental sector. We promote and disseminate our findings in top journals and conferences venues at the national and international level in hopes of creating meaningful impact.
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